What people said about under the market roof...
“Captured the heart of Chorley. Made me laugh and cry”
Louise, 27
“Fabulous, you made us a part of the play, took me back to my youth as a worker on the 'sock stall'!!! Loved every minute of it 10/10”
Gillian, 45-50
“Truly Excellent - Loved the setting and ambience. Well acted, scripted and so true to life in many ways. Feels very much part of the community”
Paul, 63
“Brilliant. Perfect setting, very comfortable, great food, superb atmosphere. Well-crafted play full of surprises with the 'crowd' scenes. Felt quite a nostalgic lump in my throat and great evening + thought provoking”
Suzan, 70
“I thought it was brilliant. The characterisation and script was amazing, and the ending made me cry a little bit. I left feeling good after a not-so-good day. The play carried an important message, one that made me feel - as a youth- like I was missing a very important part of my home town's history! The stall moving was a really cool & innovative use of limited space! Really great!!!!”
Abbey, 17
“Extremely innovative. Real people doing real things. Cast fantastic. Great Story. MORE WANTED!”
Anonymous, 65
“Excellent - brilliantly acted - good local references - good story made you think, laugh and cry. Need more of this!”
Chris, 66
“The show was excellent. Totally different to anything I have previously seen. Being from Chorley it was very relevant, very funny and touching storyline. I would like to see a follow-up” Susan, 54
“I liked the mix of both comedic and poignant scenes, the actors were wonderful, and I loved the staging. It's nice to see a show about Chorley!! It makes it so much more personal for everyone watching. I very much enjoyed watching :) Why did Len have to die!? WHY :(“
Olivia, 17
“It was bloody glorious. Bags of heart - really made me smile. Loved the whole experience”
Matt, 30
“OMG! Amazing! It was so emotional. I think I was nearly in tears, 5 or 6 times. Thank you so much for an amazing performance”
Kirsten, 17
“It was BRILLIANT, made me laugh, cry and smile and want to come to the market. Strong play that fitted the location, excellent cast and felt intimate. Food/drink offering was excellent. All round AMAZING”
Jessica, 32
“Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Never experienced anything like it - performing on a market where we regularly shop!! The acting was brilliant, funny, very good flow to the whole performance. Please do more - what a fab night!”
Joanne, 51
“I really enjoyed the show. Loved the relatable performances but especially the community ensemble. Made you feel like we were really there and found the ending particularly powerful, the sense of being part of the community and the comaradery was heart warming.”
Anonymous, 24